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Monthly tuition is due and payable to Laura Beasley on the first day of each month.


Payment Options:

•Mail monthly tuition:

         567 Wilkinson Street

         Mandeville, LA 70448

• Bill Pay option through your bank on the 1st of each month

• Post date checks for deposit on the 1st of each month

• Pay for the year in advance

• Venmo: @Laura-Beasley-8

• Zelle: @985-630-0777


Enforced this year:

A $20 Late Fee will apply to any payment received later than the third of each month. August tuition and registration is due at your first lesson.

Returned checks will be charged a $25 NSF fee.


My holiday and break schedule generally follows the St. Tammany School Board schedule with a few exceptions. No regularly scheduled lessons will be held on the following days:


Like most things in life, music education isn’t much fun unless you keep moving forward.


The only way to achieve advancement and to perform the kind of music you enjoy hearing is to practice a little bit every day. Depending upon your level of accomplishment and the music you are working on, practice time needed may be as little as 20 minutes a day or as much as 1 hour a day (or more). For all of my students, I recommend touching the keys/vocalizing every day for at least 20 minutes. If you have mastered your lesson assignment and are tired of hearing it, then at least play scales/do vocal warm-ups, or try to play/sing the melody line to a song that you have heard but have never seen the music. For little ones on the keys, “fun runs” should be heard 3-5 times every day outside of lesson material. This is a vital finger strengthening exercise and doesn’t mean opening up their books and reading every time they sit at the piano.


My youngest vocalists should practice a song a day. It’s okay if, as a parent of the student, you don’t understand what the students are doing. If they need help and you can’t figure it out by reading their method book or assignment page, I am available to tutor by phone. Please don’t let a week of not understanding the assignment go by. That only puts us behind unnecessarily. I know life is busy and most children have more than one extracurricular activity to consider. However, let’s make certain that equal attention is given when their time is split between activities. If the student has not had sufficient practice time between lessons, you will hear much of the same music repeated again the following week....that’s a sign that your child needs more time working on his/her lesson assignment.


All students under the age of 13 must have their transporting adult accompany them to the door before leaving the student on studio premises. No student under 13 years of age may be dropped off without my visual contact with their adult in charge. Due to Covid-19, only one student is allowed inside at a time. No early or multiple student drop offs. It is important that you pick up your child on time to ensure Laura has time for cleaning between students. Masks are not currently required-but this could change.Please DO NOT attend your lesson if you are sick or if anyone in your immediate family is sick. If you or anyone in your immediate family develop any Covid-19 symptoms, please call and inform Laura so she can take the necessary steps to ensure the health and safety of everyone in her studio.


Each student should have the required materials at each lesson.

This includes their mask, bag with binder, flash cards, method lesson and theory books and any outside music that has been assigned and a sharpened pencil. Vocal students must always come prepared with a bottle of water for hydration of vocal chords. All appropriate supplies and materials must accompany the student to the lesson. If the student comes to his/her lesson without the assigned material and appropriate supplies, the lesson will be forfeited by the student. Please call ahead to determine whether to attend your lesson or not if supplies and materials are not in hand.


Make-up lessons will only be offered in the case of illness, death in the family, or a piano/vocal/musical performance of another instrument (such as band camp or band performance) and college tours. If I have to cancel a lesson, a make-up lesson will be offered at a mutually convenient time. From time to time there are other legitimate reasons for missing a lesson not listed. In this case, I will offer make-up lessons on a case-by-case basis. I must be advised 24 hours prior to your absence, except in the case of emergent illness, in order to qualify for a make-up lesson. All students in the studio will have the same number of lessons on the calendar, no matter what day lessons are regularly scheduled.


Adult Student or Parent of Minor Student must give a 30-day notice prior to terminating his/her scheduled lessons. This 30-day notice includes a temporary withdrawal of student. Tuition for the 30-day cancellation period is due the first of that month. Therefore, giving a cancellation notice on the first scheduled lesson of the month is requested.




567 Wilkinson Street

Mandeville, LA 70448


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© 2023 by Beasley Music Studio. Website by JOLY DESIGNS

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